Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Attorney – Uninsured Motorist Coverage 

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Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Motorcycle Accidents in Tulsa

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage can help you if you are injured in a motorcycle accident in Tulsa and the other party doesn’t have insurance. It means that your insurance company will pay to cover your injuries and losses if you are injured and the other party is found at fault. Sometimes this insurance is also called under-insured motorist coverage.

Why is it important?

Uninsured motorist coverage helps you if the other driver doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for all of your damages. It helps you in the case of a hit and run. And of course, it helps if you are in a motorcycle accident in Tulsa with another driver who doesn’t have any insurance.

Do I have it?

Oklahoma law requires all insurance companies to offer uninsured motorist coverage when they sell insurance to clients. It’s likely that you do have uninsured motorist coverage. Insurance companies must have you sign a waiver if you refuse uninsured motorist coverage in Oklahoma.

Does it cover my motorcycle?

Uninsured motorist coverage covers each driver, not a specific vehicle. So if you purchased car insurance and got uninsured motorist insurance, then a motorcycle accident in Tulsa would most likely be covered. Of course, don’t take your insurance company’s word on this

What can a personal injury lawyer do to help me?

The simplest way to ensure that you get all of the money you deserve after your motorcycle accident in Tulsa is to contact an attorney. Don’t let an insurance company run you in ragged circles. You have enough to worry about recovering from your motorcycle accident in Tulsa. The Denton Law Firm is happy to provide a free consultation about your accident.  If we take your case, we charge nothing unless we win a settlement for you. Email or call today: (918) 631-7181.

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